Sorry it’s been a bit like Crickets

Photo credit: RoosRojas at Pixabay

Okay, that image could be a grasshopper, as I think crickets are brown. But I chose him for his personality – he has character.

Despite my silence, The Book is coming along well. In fact, it’s coming along better since I stopped blogging about it.

I’ve decided to maintain radio silence for a little longer and to focus on finishing it. I don’t think it’s wise to put a date on when I will be back to blogging. Perhaps other writers can write books and blog at the same time – I’ve discovered I cannot. It’s either one or the other and the book won.

One thing, that has taken a huge energetic weight off my shoulders lately, is unsubscribing from lots of mailing lists I’d signed up for. I even unsubscribed from people I liked (but who sent me lots of emails). I can always re-subscribe later. My in-box is much lighter now.

Right now, I need that radio silence more than ever. I need to focus on my own voice (in my head, and on the page), and get this book done once and for all.

Please feel free to zap me an email at any time, if you’re curious how I’m getting on. I’ll be happy to hear from you and will answer with an update. A blog post is one thing, an informal email is another. If you’ve ever blogged you’ll know what I mean!

I give thanks to all who’ve followed and supported me up to now. Thank you so much.

Love and blessings to you for the new year – and the new decade. Hope to see you in a few months (or so!)