Hearing your soul’s call

This blog is for writers like me, who have been writing their first book or wanting to share their creations, for many years, perhaps decades. 

You have a deep desire to share your writing, alongside doubts and fears about putting your work out into the world. This has created a push-pull effect of getting nowhere fast.

Several times you have thought about giving up and may have tried.  But the desire to create and share your creations won’t go away. By now, you probably realise, that desire will never go away; it’s the call of your soul.

Through this blog I’ll share my own (ongoing and current) emotional and practical, writer-to-author journey.  My aim is to be upbeat and optimistic, fully focussed on the vision of the completed book, and how I overcome obstacles and blocks along the way.  

I hope, through sharing my process and progress, from draft to publication, it will help you too, to finish and share your work, and yourself, with the world.

2 Replies to “Hearing your soul’s call”

  1. Hi Claire, not a comment on your launch post… though it is great and speaks to me right away😁 This is the only way I can find to contact you on your site. Were you aware that when someone subscribes to your website, the mailchimp form comes back with your Nottinghamshire address? Was that intentional?

    1. Thanks Su, am so pleased it resonates. I will have to look at this! I’m not sure I have any choice other than to include my full address (and see no reason to hide it), but will think it through some more. I’m working on creating a contact form right now – it’s nearly done, but not sure how long it will take me to get it up and live. 😉 I really appreciate your getting in touch with me about this. Thank you so much! By the way, am I subscribed to your blog? If not, please send me a link to it so I can sign up! Navigating the Facebook posts to find what I’ve said, to who, is nigh on impossible! Thanks again Su.

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