This is a card reading for February (audio and cards below).
If you come upon it in February, then let it be a reading for potential energies for February.
However! If you find it at another time, then let it be for that point in time – if it resonates.
My intention for these readings is for them to be evergreen and (hopefully) helpful, whenever they are found.
I also hope that you might want to put your spin on the cards, in addition my suggestions.
Why? Because your own personal insights could be even more relevant to you than my insights!
So, before listening to the audio, maybe see what the card images suggest to you. (If doing that floats your boat!)

Card One

Card Two

Card Three

In this reading, I refer to the Archer, from January’s card reading, which you can find here.
Further thoughts and summary of the reading:
- What does the ‘vast ocean’ symbolise to you? Perhaps, something ‘big’ that you’re possibly feeling a bit out of your depth in?
- If so, are you willing to ‘ride the waves’ and let the waters carry you?
- Minimal effort is needed by you in order to stay afloat.
- It’s about Playing in the wild water, not Panicking in the wild water!
- What is ‘wild’ can be unpredictable, and certainly untamed. But wild is also free.
- Be playful. Don’t worry about potential storms (which may never happen).
- This card could also refer to remaining ‘buoyant’ – upbeat, light-hearted, joyful.
- Things are more fun with like-minded friends.
- The sun is rising on a new dawn.
- Immerse yourself in life (the vast sea) and new experiences.
- Look closely and you’ll see the playing cards are not ordinary playing cards! (Some people use playing cards instead of Tarot cards.)
- We all have ‘tools’ (and skills) that can make life easier. We just need to remember to use them.
- Something or someone is in a transitional stage. At some point, the butterfly will emerge from the cocoon, spread their wings and fly!
- ‘Broken things’ can be put back together and made whole again. Or, you could design and create something completely new and more perfected.
- You can create new ‘patterns’.
- The green crystal might suggest the heart chakra, or for some, prosperity. What does it suggest to you?
- In what areas of life are you ‘sitting comfortably’ and is this a good thing for you? Where do you feel comfortable/supported?
- Do you feel secure/financially stable – are you ‘sitting pretty’?
- Do you need some kind of business or personal support group?
- The warrior is standing ‘at ease’ not leaping forward or heading into battle. (It’s almost as though she is observing what is before her, observing the decision/choice to be made).
- Does the warrior represent an aspect of you? Or perhaps a warring situation?
- Do you have a choice or decision to make?
- What do you consider the ‘right’ thing to do? (Never mind what anyone else says or thinks. What feels right to you?)
- In this reading, I refer to the Archer, from January’s card reading, which you can find here.
- Which way will you be swayed? Towards the Court Jester/The Fool (perhaps frivolity), or towards truth and justice? Justice and truth according to who? The Law of the Land? Society? Or the truth according to you?