Follow the Call of Your Soul, See What Unfolds




So, this is a reading for the upcoming week, and I’m going to choose three cards, at random, from the deck. I’ve just shuffled. So – one, two, and . . . three.

Okay, so turning over the first one. Now this one is called Aspirations. And it shows – the first thing I notice – is that the little girl, holding the doll in one arm, and with her other hand she is, almost surreptitiously, touching the golden leg of this golden being, here.

That suggests to me that she really wants to Go for the Gold, she wants to go for something more, something higher. And the golden being, the golden person, is sitting almost in a star shape.

So it could be about . . . not fame, it doesn’t have to be fame, but – yes, Shining!

Being the shining star, shining your light. Shining your true light.

It’s almost as though she’s doing it very quietly, almost as though she doesn’t want people to see, what it is that she’s aspiring to.

Especially not the figure to her left, the woman wearing black, who seems quite staid, quite serious, and she has this very obvious backbone.

So you can almost hear, almost imagine her saying, ‘You need some backbone here! You need to knuckle down. You need to work hard and do the right thing – according to me!’

So, quite a strict and almost regimented authoritarian figure/influence. And that could be an authority figure of some kind. It could be someone from (childhood) – that you’ve grown up with, a parent, an adult, a teacher, a boss even.

Or just Authority in general, maybe she represents authority in general.

Structure. The System. Upright. Very upright.

But she doesn’t look as though there’s much fun about her. There’s not much joy about her.

So, the little girl, despite that, is aspiring to something more, something greater.

And she has a blooming flower behind her, so she’s wanting to bloom. She’s wanting to shine her light and she’s wanting to bloom.

And the large crystal there, the amethyst crystal, which also seems to be encased in gold, will give her the clarity and the, I would say, protection, that she needs (in order) to do whatever it is that she wants to do.

I’m not quite sure of the significance of the other figure here. As with all the cards I’ve made, I just place the images randomly, in a way that feels somehow ‘right’! Or looks, somehow, complete.

And, looking at this figure now, the one behind the (grave?!) stone – she almost looks like a zombie figure – coming out of a grave! Which, in a way could be a metaphor for waking up and coming back to life, and – make of it what you will really, that’s all I can think of it, at the moment.

And there’s a lovely green energy in the background – could be like a vibrant, verdant kind of energy – like the colour of new grass in the Spring.

As to the large white head, well, I would say that is probably a soul-self, or a spiritual-self, kind of ‘watching over,’ just to show that she’s not on her own. She’s watched over, and probably guided. 

Okay, that’s that one.

Now, the next one. Ah. Okay, I’m just going to check what I called this . . .


I called this card, ‘Ready to Lead, Lioness.’ It’s similar to a card I made a long time ago, that I called ‘Leading Lioness,’ that was (and still is!) in my SoulCollage® deck – and I wanted to do a similar card for my oracle deck.

And they’re very different ‘beasts’: the decks, the SoulCollage® deck and the oracle deck. I’ll probably do a blog post about the difference, as I see it, at some stage.

(Apologies for the slight distortion on the audio.)

But, anyway, this is called, Leading Lioness, (or, Ready to Lead Lioness!) and it appears that the lion is looking to the girl on the left there, who is reluctant to lead, she’s reluctant to step up, she’s reluctant to take the lead, go first.

And she has like a shining ball, almost like a halo around her head, but it hasn’t quite settled, settled down onto her shoulders. She hasn’t quite taken it on, taken on the commitment or responsibility to do whatever it is she’s being called to do – probably by her soul, probably by her destiny. But she’s very reluctant, so she’s looking a bit kind of, ‘Ooh, I don’t really want to do it. Don’t ask me!’

Then, the other girl, or woman, on the right-hand side, who has an angel whispering in her ear, she looks calmer and more – to me, she looks as though she is ready.

And the halo around her head is well and truly settled. It’s settled around her. So, she’s taken on that mantle, as it were, she’s taken on that task, that role, that role to lead, to perhaps go – do something in a new way, do something new, step forward, be seen.

And the lion is well and truly behind her. Well and truly with her, well and truly with the strength and the courage and the power really, personal power – empowerment. Feeling of empowerment. That she needs, in order to do whatever it is she is being called to do.

THE WRITER (Public or Published)

The third, the final one – oh how interesting. Okay, now, this card is called, The Writer.

I made two cards called, The Writer – very similar cards, with very similar images. But this one refers to writing publicly.

So, whether that be blog posts, whether that be books, articles, magazines. I think Substack is quite up and coming. I haven’t explored it, really, at all, myself yet. But that kind of thing, or articles on LinkedIn or . . .

It’s the public face, the writer with the public face. The other card I made called, The Writer, was about writing, but personal writing, like in your journal (diary) and not (the kind of) writing that you show to anybody.

It’s quite ‘busy,’ this card. But that’s what it’s talking about. So, I’m just going to pause this (audio) a minute . . .

Yeah. I’ve just had a quick look at all three cards (together) and it certainly resonates with me, in many ways! Because I’ve just started this blog again, and it’s new/it’s not new – I’ve done it before (blogged about other things), but it is a commitment. And it is something that, once you make the decision, you have to go all out, really.

So, it’s like wanting to do something different, wanting to show and share, what you’re doing. But there is a reluctance, there is a slight reluctance. And all that is, I think, is lack of confidence, or – yeah, just lack of confidence.

But I think, with practice, keep doing it, keep doing something, keep putting yourself out there, keep sharing.

And even if you’re doing it and you’re (just) speaking to yourself and no one else is really bothered! It’s still a good practice, I think. And it’s something I’m interested in doing (sharing the cards and the readings) and it’s something that I enjoy! So, why not?

I hope that the readings that I do, and whatever I share, is of some use! Some help, some interest, to somebody.

And then of course, the third card, with the public face, the public writing – the writer who is out there, in the world, showing their stuff. Yeah, that mirrors, to me, the blog.

But it could be something else for you. And so, there might be an area that you’re thinking of going into, but you’re not sure whether or not you should, whether or not you want to commit long-time (long-term) to it, whether anyone will be interested, whether it’s worthwhile . . .

But, somehow, you can’t not do it.

You might tentatively be ‘touching that gold,’ tentatively be aspiring to something new, something different, something better than you’ve perhaps got, at the moment.

And it isn’t all clear (to you, now), it isn’t totally clear, as to what it’s going to look like. But you’re doing it anyway. Step by step, you’re doing it anyway.

And you’re just seeing how it unfolds – and that’s interesting in itself – just to see what happens, and see what works and what doesn’t work.

So, I would say, yeah, Courage of Lion – be the leading lion or the leading lioness, and hear those whispers, the angelic whisper in the ear, the call of the soul.

There is a reason why you feel that you want to do this. It’s not something that you’ve logically thought about. It’s an idea that’s come to you and where has that idea come from? And it’s an idea that can be explored. It’s just (about) having a bit more confidence, I think, rather than courage. At this stage, confidence, yeah.

So I’m going to leave that there for now, and I hope that has resonated in some way, and if not, maybe next week! Or maybe, as the week pans out, it might have some resonance to you.

So, not (necessarily) going with what is learned, not going with how you’ve been trained – with this backbone, this stiff upper lip and backbone. To be a bit more free and easy, and try things, and go with the flow and see how it unfolds.

And that’s it for this week. Okay, bye!

If you have any questions about this reading, or the cards, do get in touch.

To book your own personal reading, please go here.

Have a great week!

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