Awakening of Inner Fire

Lion Awaken

Today’s three cards have one thing in common: fire. Chiefly, the reading seems to be talking about our inner fire, or our personal oomph!

Card one refers to Leo and fiery Lion Energy. Card two features the equally fiery Aries energy. It also shows the sun, and what could be more fiery than that?! Card three shows a depiction of inner (spiritual) fire.

Before you listen to the audios for each card, below, you might want to view the cards first and see what the images suggest to you, (before hearing what they suggest to me)!

Card One AUDIO:

Card One: LION AWAKEN, from the deck DIVINELY HELD

Card Two AUDIO:


Card Three AUDIO:

Card Three: MY INNER FIRE, from the deck DIVINELY HELD

Further thoughts

Card One:

The circle of women, ‘dancing the lion awake’ are awakening the sleeping lion and all those positive Leo-like qualities.

However, it’s impossible to miss the large lion to the right of the card, who is very much awake, and his power and strength are clearly visible to us. Personally, I wouldn’t want to mess with him!

The fact that there are several women, holding hands, working together to awaken the lion, may suggest a group that you are part of. It could be a coaching or business group that offers mutual support, or it could be friends and/or family.

Perhaps you have a common goal, or purpose. Perhaps the positive Leo-like qualities I mentioned in the audio would be useful for you to embody at this time.

Do you need to stand in your own power, or assert yourself in some way? Or do you just need more courage, or stamina, to do what you have to do?

The positive Leo qualities I mentioned in the audio, include:

  • Confident
  • Self assured
  • Sense of humour
  • Warm
  • Generous
  • Sociable
  • Strong
  • Sunny disposition.

And, personally, I’d be happy to embody all of those!

I would also say Leo-types are resilient, and are often (at least seemingly) fearless – possibly because they are so sure of themselves and their own capabilities.

And being sure of yourself is no bad thing, in my view. Because, for one thing, it means you get things done! You don’t waste time dithering, because if you want something, you go for it.

Card Two:

The Ram (Aries/Mars energy) is gazing forward, strong and stable. This ram seems to be looking ahead, to the future, with confidence.

What would the ram say, if we gave it a voice? To me, it seems to be saying, “I know where I am heading, and I am determined to get there, in my own time, in my own way”.

Today, I came across an mp3 I had made about this card, some time ago. The message I received then, regarding the Buddha-like figure, was quite lengthy – and surprising! I had recorded it onto mp3, and have included the transcription below.

I am the one who sits with legs crossed and arms gently resting in my lap, holding the vessel that contains the sacred substance. I am looking straight ahead, seeing into the future, and imagining the best, for all. 

I see the beauty in death and in life, and I know the secrets of these. And, like the crow, we are working together to create the continuation and balance on this beautiful Earth.

Mankind cannot destroy this planet. It will not be. For there are forces of good that will work together to ensure all remains as it should.

Gently evolving, and at times, through more seemingly catastrophic means. But rest assure ... rest assured, there is no death. In fact, there is only Life. And, most of all, there is Love.

This card reminds you, you are nourished by the light of the sun and by the light of spirit. You are cared for and provided with all you need for your life, for your tasks, for your chosen activities, projects, and experiences.

Trust, that all will be provided, and all is working in perfect balance. Step forward with confidence on your chosen path. You do have all the resources you need, and all the strength and stamina within.

Well, I don’t think I can add anything else to that!

Card Three:

I’ve discovered (via trusty Google) that the mudra I spoke of is called Gyan Mudra (thumb and forefinger touching each other, other three fingers relaxed and extended). Amongst other things, this mudra is said to be good for concentration and bringing peace and calm.

I haven’t mentioned the woman in the centre of the card, who seems to be some kind of observer. Yes, she is naked – my metaphor for someone who is open, honest, authentic, and happy in her skin.

Perhaps she is the embodiment of that Leo self-assuredness, and self-confidence, featured in the first card.

It’s interesting that this naked woman is taking centre stage in the card – something Leo energies love to do! Certainly my Leo father loved to hold court (often down the pub), and also loved to sing to an audience. Luckily, he did have a very good tenor voice. I remember at every party, his friends used to call out, “Give us a song, Peter!”

Regarding the woman wearing what looks like a fur coat: I initially thought this might signify wealth (and perhaps ignorance)! Then I remembered a card I had made, many years ago, as part of my SoulCollage(r) deck, that features a bear.

By the way, my SoulCollage(r) deck is very different and separate to my oracle decks. I’ll talk about the difference in a blog post – soon!

Anyway, the card I was reminded of, pictured below, is called Brown Bear.

In the image, you can clearly see this Native American Brave, embodying the power qualities of Bear through wearing a bear-skin, and becoming Bear.

So, I wondered, perhaps the fur this woman wears, suggests her embodying a Power Animal of her choosing. In other words, taking on the strengths and positive qualities of a particular Power Animal.

And I wonder, what animal would you choose, if you wanted to embody the positive qualities of an animal, or bird?

Personally, I can resonate with Bear. For me, a bear is slow and plodding, but can also move like lightening when it has to.

Bear is obviously strong and powerful, and we all have both of those qualities within us, even if they are buried deep, or only surface in challenging times.

In the winter, female bears find a place underground, or perhaps sheltered in a cave, where they can safely gestate, then give birth to their young.

image courtesy of NakNakNak on Pixabay

This might suggest a need for you to ‘retreat,’ perhaps in order to plan or create something of value to you.

Or it might indicate a need to retreat in order to rest and recuperate.

Certainly, the couple who are nestling against each other, both seem to be in some kind of peaceful place; a place of rest, or (temporary) withdrawal from the external world.

Sometimes we need to rest up, before we can plough ahead. Strength and reserves need to be rebuilt, before emerging in the Spring.

The Winter can be dark and cold, but the Spring brings new life and new hope – and the urge to get back out into the world, and plant those new seeds.

Despite the relentless cold and rain, I can feel Spring is now on the way. The bulbs are pushing up shoots, the birds are singing, and I’m beginning to feel excited about all the new potentials and possibilities ahead. I hope you can feel it too. 💕

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Emerge from the shadows, make new music, bloom brightly!

Midas Touch

This week’s reading is about rising up from the shadows into the light, (perhaps, even, into the ‘spotlight’). Cast off past shackles of guilt and shame. You are worthy. Accept the golden blessings being offered to you – and bloom!



Card: UNDERWORLD Deck: A Bridge Between Two Worlds


Card: HAUNTED BY THE PAST Deck: A Bridge Between Two Worlds


Card: MIDAS TOUCH Deck: A Bridge Between Two Worlds

Further Thoughts on the Cards:

Card One:

It wasn’t intentional when I created the card, but it seems that the oracle card I named (intuitively) Underworld, could refer to the story of Persephone.

Persephone was taken to the underworld by Hades (God of the underworld). Her mother Demeter’s grief caused cessation of growth of plants/crops (winter/dying).

When Persephone returns to the world above, life and growth return (spring/rebirth).

The myth reflects life and death, dark and light, and might also be a metaphor for our light and dark shadow selves.

Most of us don’t want to acknowledge our dark shadow selves and try to keep them hidden.

Equally, we are often reluctant to acknowledge our light selves, (our blooming, our true essence) and may stay humble and hidden.

The right-hand side crystal looks like Smokey Quartz, so I did an online search as to its properties:

“A stone with a smoky hue that represents grounding, letting go, and surrendering old wounds.”

“Smokey quartz is associated with Hecate.”

* In Greek mythology, Hecate is the goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, and the moon.

* Hecate is goddess of wisdom, crossroads/transitions, and ghosts.

She is goddess of the occult and the dark moon.

She has power over the heavens, earth, and the underworld.

I noticed three points or corners of the woman’s veil.

Hecate is depicted as triple goddess: maiden, mother and crone (three phases of a woman’s life).

Or, as having three forms, back to back. This may represent her ability/power to ‘see’ all directions, doorways and crossroads.

Looking at Fool’s Gold, or Pyrite, it seems there’s not much it can’t do(!)

It’s said to be good for protection, confidence, grounding, and emotional healing as well as attracting abundance/prosperity.

Card Two:

In Card Two, when you listen to the audio, please note that I was not advocating murder!

I’m simply saying we are all capable of all things, both good and bad. Hopefully, most of us choose ‘harm to none’! Including, no harm to ourselves (which means not berating ourselves for past mistakes).

Also, in that card, Haunted by the Past, I was struggling to find the right words to describe Britain’s persona, all of those years ago, in the time of its ‘conquering all-and-sundry’ history. I was meaning the days of imperialism and the British Empire .

To end on a brighter note, this reading is about leaving the past and the ‘dark’ behind. Leaving behind shame and regrets relating to your past, and embracing who you are now.

I mentioned a woman playing a double-bass, but it could be a cello. Interestingly, both cello and double-bass can be used for (haunting or solemn) classical music, and also tango – take your pick!

Card Three:

The Midas Touch card is a great card to end with. It speaks of your new ideas and projects ‘turning to gold’ and your reaping rewards from all you turn your hand to (and turn your enthusiasm to, no doubt)!

The message is, don’t be shy, let your light shine. Bloom, in your true and beautiful essence.

You are capable of great things, we all are. However, in order to ‘get the gold,’ some courage is needed.

We have to do the thing, we have to try things out. And we can let it be heavy and hard, or we can let it be light – and fun.

(I know which one I prefer.)

So, blessings to you, this week and beyond, and to all your endeavours and adventures!

A reading for February 2025 – and forever

This is a card reading for February (audio and cards below).

If you come upon it in February, then let it be a reading for potential energies for February.

However! If you find it at another time, then let it be for that point in time – if it resonates.

My intention for these readings is for them to be evergreen and (hopefully) helpful, whenever they are found.

I also hope that you might want to put your spin on the cards, in addition my suggestions.

Why? Because your own personal insights could be even more relevant to you than my insights!

So, before listening to the audio, maybe see what the card images suggest to you. (If doing that floats your boat!)


Card One


Card Two


Card Three


In this reading, I refer to the Archer, from January’s card reading, which you can find here.

Further thoughts and summary of the reading:


  • What does the ‘vast ocean’ symbolise to you? Perhaps, something ‘big’ that you’re possibly feeling a bit out of your depth in?
  • If so, are you willing to ‘ride the waves’ and let the waters carry you?
  • Minimal effort is needed by you in order to stay afloat.
  • It’s about Playing in the wild water, not Panicking in the wild water!
  • What is ‘wild’ can be unpredictable, and certainly untamed. But wild is also free.
  • Be playful. Don’t worry about potential storms (which may never happen).
  • This card could also refer to remaining ‘buoyant’ – upbeat, light-hearted, joyful.
  • Things are more fun with like-minded friends.
  • The sun is rising on a new dawn.
  • Immerse yourself in life (the vast sea) and new experiences.


  • Look closely and you’ll see the playing cards are not ordinary playing cards! (Some people use playing cards instead of Tarot cards.)
  • We all have ‘tools’ (and skills) that can make life easier. We just need to remember to use them.
  • Something or someone is in a transitional stage. At some point, the butterfly will emerge from the cocoon, spread their wings and fly!
  • ‘Broken things’ can be put back together and made whole again. Or, you could design and create something completely new and more perfected.
  • You can create new ‘patterns’.
  • The green crystal might suggest the heart chakra, or for some, prosperity. What does it suggest to you?
  • In what areas of life are you ‘sitting comfortably’ and is this a good thing for you? Where do you feel comfortable/supported?
  • Do you feel secure/financially stable – are you ‘sitting pretty’?
  • Do you need some kind of business or personal support group?


  • The warrior is standing ‘at ease’ not leaping forward or heading into battle. (It’s almost as though she is observing what is before her, observing the decision/choice to be made).
  • Does the warrior represent an aspect of you? Or perhaps a warring situation?
  • Do you have a choice or decision to make?
  • What do you consider the ‘right’ thing to do? (Never mind what anyone else says or thinks. What feels right to you?)
  • In this reading, I refer to the Archer, from January’s card reading, which you can find here.
  • Which way will you be swayed? Towards the Court Jester/The Fool (perhaps frivolity), or towards truth and justice? Justice and truth according to who? The Law of the Land? Society? Or the truth according to you?

Follow the Call of Your Soul, See What Unfolds




So, this is a reading for the upcoming week, and I’m going to choose three cards, at random, from the deck. I’ve just shuffled. So – one, two, and . . . three.

Okay, so turning over the first one. Now this one is called Aspirations. And it shows – the first thing I notice – is that the little girl, holding the doll in one arm, and with her other hand she is, almost surreptitiously, touching the golden leg of this golden being, here.

That suggests to me that she really wants to Go for the Gold, she wants to go for something more, something higher. And the golden being, the golden person, is sitting almost in a star shape.

So it could be about . . . not fame, it doesn’t have to be fame, but – yes, Shining!

Being the shining star, shining your light. Shining your true light.

It’s almost as though she’s doing it very quietly, almost as though she doesn’t want people to see, what it is that she’s aspiring to.

Especially not the figure to her left, the woman wearing black, who seems quite staid, quite serious, and she has this very obvious backbone.

So you can almost hear, almost imagine her saying, ‘You need some backbone here! You need to knuckle down. You need to work hard and do the right thing – according to me!’

So, quite a strict and almost regimented authoritarian figure/influence. And that could be an authority figure of some kind. It could be someone from (childhood) – that you’ve grown up with, a parent, an adult, a teacher, a boss even.

Or just Authority in general, maybe she represents authority in general.

Structure. The System. Upright. Very upright.

But she doesn’t look as though there’s much fun about her. There’s not much joy about her.

So, the little girl, despite that, is aspiring to something more, something greater.

And she has a blooming flower behind her, so she’s wanting to bloom. She’s wanting to shine her light and she’s wanting to bloom.

And the large crystal there, the amethyst crystal, which also seems to be encased in gold, will give her the clarity and the, I would say, protection, that she needs (in order) to do whatever it is that she wants to do.

I’m not quite sure of the significance of the other figure here. As with all the cards I’ve made, I just place the images randomly, in a way that feels somehow ‘right’! Or looks, somehow, complete.

And, looking at this figure now, the one behind the (grave?!) stone – she almost looks like a zombie figure – coming out of a grave! Which, in a way could be a metaphor for waking up and coming back to life, and – make of it what you will really, that’s all I can think of it, at the moment.

And there’s a lovely green energy in the background – could be like a vibrant, verdant kind of energy – like the colour of new grass in the Spring.

As to the large white head, well, I would say that is probably a soul-self, or a spiritual-self, kind of ‘watching over,’ just to show that she’s not on her own. She’s watched over, and probably guided. 

Okay, that’s that one.

Now, the next one. Ah. Okay, I’m just going to check what I called this . . .


I called this card, ‘Ready to Lead, Lioness.’ It’s similar to a card I made a long time ago, that I called ‘Leading Lioness,’ that was (and still is!) in my SoulCollage® deck – and I wanted to do a similar card for my oracle deck.

And they’re very different ‘beasts’: the decks, the SoulCollage® deck and the oracle deck. I’ll probably do a blog post about the difference, as I see it, at some stage.

(Apologies for the slight distortion on the audio.)

But, anyway, this is called, Leading Lioness, (or, Ready to Lead Lioness!) and it appears that the lion is looking to the girl on the left there, who is reluctant to lead, she’s reluctant to step up, she’s reluctant to take the lead, go first.

And she has like a shining ball, almost like a halo around her head, but it hasn’t quite settled, settled down onto her shoulders. She hasn’t quite taken it on, taken on the commitment or responsibility to do whatever it is she’s being called to do – probably by her soul, probably by her destiny. But she’s very reluctant, so she’s looking a bit kind of, ‘Ooh, I don’t really want to do it. Don’t ask me!’

Then, the other girl, or woman, on the right-hand side, who has an angel whispering in her ear, she looks calmer and more – to me, she looks as though she is ready.

And the halo around her head is well and truly settled. It’s settled around her. So, she’s taken on that mantle, as it were, she’s taken on that task, that role, that role to lead, to perhaps go – do something in a new way, do something new, step forward, be seen.

And the lion is well and truly behind her. Well and truly with her, well and truly with the strength and the courage and the power really, personal power – empowerment. Feeling of empowerment. That she needs, in order to do whatever it is she is being called to do.

THE WRITER (Public or Published)

The third, the final one – oh how interesting. Okay, now, this card is called, The Writer.

I made two cards called, The Writer – very similar cards, with very similar images. But this one refers to writing publicly.

So, whether that be blog posts, whether that be books, articles, magazines. I think Substack is quite up and coming. I haven’t explored it, really, at all, myself yet. But that kind of thing, or articles on LinkedIn or . . .

It’s the public face, the writer with the public face. The other card I made called, The Writer, was about writing, but personal writing, like in your journal (diary) and not (the kind of) writing that you show to anybody.

It’s quite ‘busy,’ this card. But that’s what it’s talking about. So, I’m just going to pause this (audio) a minute . . .

Yeah. I’ve just had a quick look at all three cards (together) and it certainly resonates with me, in many ways! Because I’ve just started this blog again, and it’s new/it’s not new – I’ve done it before (blogged about other things), but it is a commitment. And it is something that, once you make the decision, you have to go all out, really.

So, it’s like wanting to do something different, wanting to show and share, what you’re doing. But there is a reluctance, there is a slight reluctance. And all that is, I think, is lack of confidence, or – yeah, just lack of confidence.

But I think, with practice, keep doing it, keep doing something, keep putting yourself out there, keep sharing.

And even if you’re doing it and you’re (just) speaking to yourself and no one else is really bothered! It’s still a good practice, I think. And it’s something I’m interested in doing (sharing the cards and the readings) and it’s something that I enjoy! So, why not?

I hope that the readings that I do, and whatever I share, is of some use! Some help, some interest, to somebody.

And then of course, the third card, with the public face, the public writing – the writer who is out there, in the world, showing their stuff. Yeah, that mirrors, to me, the blog.

But it could be something else for you. And so, there might be an area that you’re thinking of going into, but you’re not sure whether or not you should, whether or not you want to commit long-time (long-term) to it, whether anyone will be interested, whether it’s worthwhile . . .

But, somehow, you can’t not do it.

You might tentatively be ‘touching that gold,’ tentatively be aspiring to something new, something different, something better than you’ve perhaps got, at the moment.

And it isn’t all clear (to you, now), it isn’t totally clear, as to what it’s going to look like. But you’re doing it anyway. Step by step, you’re doing it anyway.

And you’re just seeing how it unfolds – and that’s interesting in itself – just to see what happens, and see what works and what doesn’t work.

So, I would say, yeah, Courage of Lion – be the leading lion or the leading lioness, and hear those whispers, the angelic whisper in the ear, the call of the soul.

There is a reason why you feel that you want to do this. It’s not something that you’ve logically thought about. It’s an idea that’s come to you and where has that idea come from? And it’s an idea that can be explored. It’s just (about) having a bit more confidence, I think, rather than courage. At this stage, confidence, yeah.

So I’m going to leave that there for now, and I hope that has resonated in some way, and if not, maybe next week! Or maybe, as the week pans out, it might have some resonance to you.

So, not (necessarily) going with what is learned, not going with how you’ve been trained – with this backbone, this stiff upper lip and backbone. To be a bit more free and easy, and try things, and go with the flow and see how it unfolds.

And that’s it for this week. Okay, bye!

If you have any questions about this reading, or the cards, do get in touch.

To book your own personal reading, please go here.

Have a great week!

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In this box, please type whatever you want to ask or share! Thanks.

This week: Eagle’s Perspective and Trust

This reading is for the week ahead. However, if you’ve found this today and resonate with it, then it is meant for you, today.

Sorry about the faint ‘chirping bird’ on the audio; it’s my smoke alarm, telling me it needs a replacement battery! I shall do that today, of course. But first, I wanted to get this post out for the upcoming week. (Gotta get my priorities right!)

Please scroll down for images of the three cards. The transcript is below the audio player.



So, this is a reading for the week ahead, and I’m just shuffling the cards.

I’m using the deck called, A Bridge Between Worlds, and I’m going to choose three cards.

The first card, I thought, would be about where the current energies are.

The second card, the coming energies for the week ahead; what’s coming in.

The third card, I thought, would be, ‘What do I need to know? What do I need to most know or remember?

So let’s choose the first, at random, just take a card out of the deck – that one. Then, I’ll just choose a second, at random, and a third. And I’m just choosing very quickly.

The First Card:


Okay, so the first card, this is current energies.

Before I say anything about the card – although I’m intending this is for the week ahead, I’m also intending that it’s a reading for anybody who comes across this at a later date. So, if someone is surfing online and they find this reading, and it resonates with them, then it’s meant for them, at that time.

The first card is called . . . (?!) Now, I can’t remember what I called this one (Afraid To Look Deeper). All of these cards are relatively newly made. I made 200 of them in quick succession, so I’m not familiar with most of them.

But I named them all, intuitively, I immediately named them, as I completed them. And although I can’t remember the name of this, I’m just going to say what it appears to be saying to me.

There’s a woman who is hiding her face. She seems as though she might be either in sorrow, or she’s just taking herself away, quietly, to – it’s almost like she’s hiding away, or she can’t deal with what’s out there, what’s outside, what’s going on.

She doesn’t want to look at it. And even, what looks like an angel, on the right-hand side, is hiding her face.

So perhaps the angel, or Guardian Angel, is suggesting we don’t have to look at, or focus upon, what we find distressing. (Unless we can help in some way?) But, if we can’t help on a physical level, we can at least pray for, or envision, a beneficial outcome.

So, it’s (about) not wanting to look at something in particular, or just what’s going on in the world in general – and yeah, that’s understandable.

Then, there’s another face, of a girl, who is behind the naked woman, and she looks as though she’s thinking about something. Her mind is thinking about something, she’s probably deep in thought, she’s mulling things over.

(I’m amused that I said, ‘Her mind is thinking about something,’ because sometimes, it’s as though our mind takes over and runs away with us. As though we have no control of our own mind. And it takes practice to quiet our mind, or quickly nip in the bud those negative or troubling thoughts.)

Then there is the face of the man – part of his face is revealed, to see his insides. So, he is revealing what’s inside of him. Even he – they’re all looking ahead. He looks as though he is thinking, he looks as though he’s thinking about something too.

So it’s (about) what’s going on in the mind, and not wanting to see what’s going on in the outside world.

And that certainly mirrors what I was saying previously (in another blog post), about wanting to know, wanting to be informed as to what’s happening in the world. But in another way, really, not wanting to see all this bad news, disasters, and things that make us feel uncomfortable. (Or fearful, or despairing!)

Okay, so the only other thing, that I think is worth noting, is the lion.

And the lion always makes me think of strength and courage, and self-sovereignty. And, for me, Leadership . . . (yes) it reminds me of leadership, also.

So this is about what’s currently going on, that first card.

The Second Card:


The second card is . . . okay.

I think I may have called this something to do with The Ancestors, I’m not sure. (The card is called, Connecting with the Ancestors.) Obviously, when I post the cards on the blog, I’ll put the names up there.

This shows people from the past.

Possibly, the image of the Native American, he could be ‘in Spirit,’ because he is all in white. (Shining with a Heavenly Light!)

There are a couple of people playing instruments. So, they’re making music.

Then, there is an eagle who is being nourished, by somebody.

Now that immediately makes me think of the Perspective of Eagle, which is where you look at the Big Picture. You rise above the minutia, you rise above your own life, even, and see the bigger picture of what’s happening as a whole, in the world, or on the Earth. Seeing your issue, your problem, from a different perspective, a higher perspective.

And sometimes, seeing yourself as that little ‘speck,’ in the entirety of the Earth, can sometimes help, and put whatever it is that you are worried about, or dealing with, into perspective.

And to realise that it’s actually a small thing, in comparison to the largeness of the Earth, the Universe, and . . . all of the beauty, really, of the planet. And sometimes, it does put it into perspective (or proportion) to take that view. Sometimes, it helps.

So the second card, the coming energies next week.

The little girl is lightly – almost dancing, almost skipping along.

So she has a playful energy about her, a light-hearted energy. Maybe, both that (playful) energy and the energy of taking the higher perspective, is the way to go.

Also, these people who are ‘playing their instruments,’ perhaps it’s about playing your own tune. They both seem – certainly the chap in the centre there – seems to be very much concerned with his own instrument, his own music, his own . . . yeah, making his own music.

So, perhaps, again, it is about just getting on with your own stuff. And, not worrying about things that you can’t control.

But there are things you can control. You can – play, your own instrument, play your own music, make your own song. And that is within your power.

The Native American, the Spirit (Being), I think this (card) was something to do with ancestors. He seems quite . . .  wise. Calm. Someone to be relied on (trusted). Almost like that feeling – the (sense of) All Is Well. All is Well.

You know, ‘We’ve got this!’

You may not know why all these things are happening. But those who are in Spirit, those who are in that place (or plane of existence) know the reasons for whatever is going on, and how it’s going to – how it’s playing out, why it’s playing out.

To me, this about just trusting.

‘Don’t panic, Mr Mannering!’

Just trust that it’s playing out as it should. I get the feeling it’s playing out as it should. And we don’t know why. And we can see things that we think are going completely wrong and people are suffering, and we don’t know why that is (at least, in the grand scheme of things, even if we think we know, on a practical and ‘obvious’ level.)

We can’t see the Big Picture. As, I say, we need to nourish that Eagle and try and see the bigger picture, the higher perspective – or just trust that there is one.

And try and be as Light as we can be.

Then, in the background, there’s the dark night sky, with the stars, representing the bigger universe, the Beyond-Beyond. The things we know exist, but we don’t know all the answers, and we can just really deal with whatever we’re dealing with in this moment, now, in our own lives, in our own (immediate) world. And have faith that all will work out.

The Third Card:


The third one is just a reminder: What (do) I need to most know or remember?

Let’s have a look. Now, this one. It’s showing a Wild Woman.

And, she looks like she’s in a place of surrender. A place of giving up, opening to perhaps a ‘higher power,’ or a place of trust. A place of, as I say, letting go, release, surrender. ‘What will be will be.’ ‘What is, is. It is what it is.’ And, yeah, Trust and Surrender.

And there’s the little girl there, who is just standing very still, and looking, almost looking out to us. In a place of trust – perhaps vulnerability – but hoping that, whoever is responsible for her, looking after her is looking after her, is caring for her, is going to keep her safe!

And, the Goddess figure, who I think I named, Lilith, in another card, another kind of Wild Woman: strong; independent; capable; equal; balanced; powerful.

And again, the self-sovereignty; not being bullied by anybody, not being forced to do anything she doesn’t want to do. In her own power, in her own strength, and her own authenticity.

As I say, every time there is a naked being in one of my cards, I see it as a reminder of our real self, our true self, and our authenticity.

And then there is a woman there who is sleeping. I might have called this (card) something like, Wild Woman Awakening. I’ll be interested to see, myself, what I called it! See whether it bears any resemblance to what I’m describing here. (Almost! ‘Wild Woman Awakens.’)

But, as with all the cards, they don’t have just one meaning. I may have named them, but whatever I named them can have several meanings.

And certainly, the images within each card can have different meanings, depending on the question, depending on the time. Depending on what’s happening. Depending on where you are, or what’s happening in the world.

And there are things that you might see, that you haven’t seen before, that are significant and that you can read, in terms of whatever the metaphor, or symbolism is.

So, what do we need to remember?

We need to remember our own power. But also, we need to trust, and we need to surrender to whatever is going on, and not necessarily fight against it, but flow with it.

There is a lot we can do. Because we have that personal power. We have choice. We can choose our perspective – and that is very powerful. A perspective that makes us feel stronger, safer, hopeful, positive.

And, perhaps the sleeping woman is also just reminding us to rest and take time, to recuperate, recharge, maybe review where we are.

And yeah, Trust is a big one, with the little girl there; trusting that those ‘in charge’ know what they’re doing (!) and have her best interests at heart.

And, in the other card, with the (Native American) spirit with his spear, and drum and feathers, knowing more than we know about what’s going on.

And the little girl, who is stepping lightly, and skipping her way through her life. Perhaps oblivious of much of what’s going on. And, the better for it, really. Because, what good would it do, if she knew?

(Because, her knowing, her being aware, of all the doom and gloom – that is not in her control – might crush her joy. Might crush her light and playful spirit. And for what purpose would that be? For what useful or beneficial purpose?)

So, I hope that’s resonated on some level!

And I think I’m going to leave that there for now. If I think of anything else, if anything else occurs to me, I’ll add it at the end of the blog post (or within it!)

Okay, that’s today’s (this week’s) reading. Righty ho!

Wishing you a Beautiful Week.

An Energy Reading for the Week Ahead:

A three-card reading.

In Audio 1, it takes me a little while to get in the swing of things, but by Audio 2, I’m more ‘in stride’.

I originally posted this at the bottom of the previous post but it was a bit lost there! So I’ve created a new post here.

AUDIO for Card One:


AUDIO Card Two:


AUDIO Card Three:


Final Note: I had drawn the ‘Waiting for Love’ card before, and featured it in a previous post. Go here to see that post:

Have a great week!

Am I ready to commit to weekly oracle readings? (Yes!)

I did an audio reading for The Week Ahead. Then I started having second thoughts about posting it.

This first audio (below) is me wondering about committing to weekly readings – and asking the cards for clarity as to whether I should.

For the reading about The Week Ahead, and the 3 cards I drew for this week, click here.

This blog post is probably way too long. So feel free to scroll and skip as it suits you!



So, I’ve just . . . today, I did a reading for the upcoming week, the Energies of the Week. And now, I’m thinking:

Ooh . . . if I do that, I’ll have to do one every week. And I’m not sure that I’m ready to commit to that.

I thought I’d shuffle (the oracle card deck) and ask the question, ‘Am I ready? Is this a good time to do that?’

I’ve shuffled, and a card has fallen out. It’s the one where people are asleep and dreaming, and there’s a big giant, with a playful angel on his head. But his arms are tied behind his back – with garlands of flowers – but still, he is bound.


He doesn’t seem as though he’s in any pain, and the little cherub is certainly having fun(!) riding on top of his head, and holding, loosely, the garland of flowers.

But even so, it still speaks to me of the commitment and the feeling of duty, that once you start a weekly reading you have to do it, literally, every single week. And you have to do it on a certain day. And you really have to post it on Saturday, Sunday at the latest, given the time differences around the world. And . . . in Australia . . . they are many hours ahead (of the UK).

This card shows other people sleeping, dreaming. Some with smiles on their faces. There is a woman who is kind of ‘floating above,’ with her eyes open.

Then there’s a witch-figure. She’s with a woman who is holding her clothes to her. She’s taken off her dress, or is taking off her dress, and looking quite shamed, quite ashamed to be showing her nakedness.

So this is probably partly what it is . . . it’s (about) feeling I’m revealing aspects of myself and – as I was listening back to the recordings that I’ve made, on the readings of the cards, I was feeling:

‘Ooh, I don’t like that, I don’t like this, and I could have done that better, and there are lots of ums and ahs in there’.

All kinds of criticisms of the recording, and myself, and how I was doing the reading, and could I be more concise. And on and on and on.

So, what would the message of this card be telling me?

That I would feel bound? (That) I would feel . . . I would feel bound.

And, I need to be joyful in this.


So, let me choose another card and see what comes up, for clarification. Another card, for clarification.

I mean, it doesn’t mean I won’t do weekly readings. It just means, perhaps, not just yet.

If I start with the monthly readings, card readings, and then just do other readings as-and-when, and other different kinds of posts as-and-when.


Okay, so what’s this one?

Ah, this is a goddess one.

There’s a little boy. He seems to be hugging himself (comforting himself?) He’s got his head down. There’s what looks like a crown on his head, and a massive jewel at his crown chakra.

There are goddess images here. And there is a little girl, who is gazing at a stone, and almost as though she’s communicating with the stone, and getting messages from the stone – which is possible.

You can get messages from anything, and insights. And work with the imagery and metaphor, as you look at anything.

So, what can this so-called card of clarification(!) be telling me?


A crow caws in the background, as if to say, ‘It’s obvious’!

And as I listened to the audio later, it did seem so clear:

Being ‘bound,’ or committed, can be fun. And I am always free. The choice is always mine.

There’s a figure there, who . . . it’s like – she’s like a network. She’s made up of a network, or a weaving, an inter-weaving of . . . parts. Maybe . . . that reminds me of SoulCollage®, really.

Yeah. It’s not really meaning much to me.

So, let me do ‘I Am One . . .’ which is a SoulCollage® process.

So, start with this one (the giant).

“I am one who is bound with garlands of roses.

I am one who could break free of my bonds, as I am strong. And yet, I allow the playful cherub to have fun, to play . . . and she delights in the game, in the game of pretend.

For I am not truly bound. I can free myself, at any time.

I close my eyes and go within. I close my eyes and allow myself to dream. Allow myself to imagine.

And let’s do the woman, sort of floating above:

I am one, looking down from above, seeing those who are asleep, deep in sleep. And I can tell by the smile on the face of one, that her dream is enjoyable.

We are the birds that fly. We are the cooing pigeons, who soar, in the blue sky. Free. We are free.

And I am the shadowy-witch, revealing you in your nakedness.

Revealing you to all.

You cannot hide, for you are naked. You cannot hide. You are seen.

And we are the blooming flowers, in the cloudless sky. The flowers opening up to the sun, blooming in all our glory.

Yeah. Well, what’s this one?

I am the goddess, with my arms raised in gesture of love, forming a heart shape.

I am ancient.

I am old as the stone.

As old as the Earth.

And I am one who turns, I am one who spirals, who dances, who turns in time and space.

I am the Little One, who covers my heart and bows my head, so I cannot be seen, and cannot see.

And yet, I wear a crown, to show my sovereignty, and my strength and power.

I am the one who speaks to the stones, who gains the messages and hears the silent words. The silent messages.

I am the one who is woven intricately. And I am the one you can see through.


And that’s probably it.

So I’m going to listen back to that. Don’t know whether it will help me at all. But, it’s a thought. Okay.


It did help me. And I’ve also posted the reading with the three cards, for the Energies of the Week Ahead.

By the way, if you come across any of the video readings at a later day/date in time, just know, the reading may well be relevant to where you are right now – and that is possibly why you have found it, now.

So, I hope this reading for the week ahead is insightful for you, today, or another day!


As to when I might commit to a weekly reading, well, maybe as soon as next week! After all, if I adopt the cherub’s attitude to it all, it could be fun!

And, as the giant, bound with garlands of (blooming) roses, says:

I am not truly bound. I can free myself, at any time.

One thing I do know. When I commit to anything, I commit fully and joyfully. Enjoyment is vital, in everything I choose to create.

January 2025 oracle reading

I was doing a reading for myself around the upcoming energies for January 2025. Then I thought, why keep it to myself! And, why not post a reading every month. So here it is, the first oracle reading for 2025 and the month of January.

I hope some of the oracle reading resonates with you. Certainly, the archer card might, as many people are setting targets and planning, or at least thinking about their year ahead.

REST and PLAY – Captain of my Ship
There IS another way

In the audio, I also spoke of a February reading, but I decided to wait and post that in a week or so. Being honest, I don’t have time to do both right now! And I wanted to get something out for January, at least – which is almost upon us.

Wishing you all you wish for yourself in 2025!

For a New Beginning! Four-card oracle reading

Are you at a new beginning? In this four-card reading, I asked for clarity around my new business and the work I am offering.


As with all the oracle readings I share, if you’ve found this today, it might also be meant for you! That’s my intention, anyway.

This reading may be particularly relevant to you if, like me, you are at the start of some new venture, a new beginning, or a new stage in your life.

It took me a while to resonate with the card messages today, (I even changed from one deck to another) but I think I got there in the end!

There are two audios. If you’re short on time, scroll down to the second ‘summary’ audio.

MY INTENTION for the Reading: to gain clarity, around what I am to offer in my work.




CARD THREE – TRUTH TELLER (or Whistle Blower)


AUDIO TWO: (Summary of the reading)

I hope something within this reading resonates with you, or sparks ideas. And if you’re at the start of a new beginning, may it be a beautiful unfolding for you!

If you have any comments or questions, or would like a personal card reading, please email me using the form below. I’d love to hear from you!

Please type your name in the box above
Please type your email in the box above
In this box, please type whatever you want to ask or share! Thanks.

Waiting for Love (or Approval)

There are two audios today.

The first contains my thoughts on the card, Waiting for Love, and how I interpret it today.

The second audio is my soul’s message and their summary of the card. If you don’t have much time, you might want to go straight to the soul message audio.

I’ve arranged my soul’s message rather like a poem, using some of the natural pauses heard on the audio (and adding one or two more).

Waiting for Love

AUDIO 1 (my interpretation of today’s card)


This card is called Waiting for Love. As with all of the images I’ve collaged, the name of it came to me once I’d finished making the card. All images were randomly selected (on and randomly arranged in a way that felt right.

Often, I resize some images, making them proportionally larger, or smaller. But here, both the women, and the little Cupid-like angel, are of similar size.

They are all in a forest, with sunlight streaming through the trees. It seems to be Autumn. Another season has passed and the bloom of summer is fading.

The woman on the left appears to be waiting, perhaps a little impatiently, signified by the hand on her hip, almost as if to say, “Come on then, where is it?”

The Cupid angel is picking fluff off some non-existent clothing, almost like a displacement activity, or a sign of boredom. There’s seems to be nothing to do, but wait.

Of course, Cupid is the one who shoots the Arrows of Love, but there’s no bow and arrow in sight. And yes, even Cupid seems bored with the waiting.

To the right of the card, a woman has her arms outstretched and the sleeves, or cape, of her dress look like wings. There’s a feeling of light and lightness, freedom and ease, about her.

I get the sense that she is not waiting for some future event. She is fully present, in this moment, and she is enjoying it, savouring it.

She reminds me of a bird, perhaps a white dove of peace, and peaceful is how she seems to be.

One message of this card might be that if you wait for love (or for the life you love, or for love and approval), then you might be waiting for a long time.

Perhaps some action is needed. Or perhaps it’s simply time to enjoy where you are, with what you have, enjoy things as they are, right now.

Like, if you’re single and don’t want to be single. Or, if you don’t have a job and you want to have a job. Or, if you’re living somewhere and you’d rather be living somewhere else.

So, it’s about being content where you are, and making the best of where you are, whilst still looking forward to what you want.

It reminds me of many a time when I was younger – much younger – and when I was single, all the times I was single. If I was miserable about it, no one would appear on the horizon. This could go on for a whole year!

Until I decided I was going to be happy anyway – I was going to be happy being single and I was going to be happy going out with my friends. So, once I was happy and okay about being single, then pretty much almost immediately, somebody appeared. (And I was no longer single!)

And that was the way I found it worked, from then onwards. I found that – and this is not just from reading books about positive expectation and positive mindsets – if you put it into practice in your own life and you notice that when you’re happy, happy things come to you, and when you’re miserable, miserable things come to you. You do get the message eventually, and you do change things when you get fed up with just sitting, feeling miserable, and not happy with your lot.

The card might be a reminder that not everything we want is immediately visible. Some things take a little time to appear. So, we might as well enjoy the here and now, rather than feeling bored, or impatient, or depressed about it.

I’m reminded of the phrase, ‘I’ll be happy when . . .

But that future Happy Time could be a long time coming, and when that future time comes, there may be something else we’re not happy with! So we’re never really going to be ‘happy when . . . ‘  so, we might as well be happy now.

And if happiness and peace and contentment is not felt right now then it’s unlikely that we’re going to attract that, any time soon. And I feel that, apart from anything else, feeling frustrated, bored, impatient, or whatever, doesn’t make the waiting time any easier for us, or any more pleasant.

I would probably rather make the best of things as they are, than rail against ‘What Is.’

I’d rather look on the bright side.

I’d rather think about the best that could happen, rather than the worst.

I’d rather be happy than miserable.

I would rather think of what I can do to improve things for myself, than go into victim mode and blame.

Blame for things I don’t want to happen, but have happened, and I can do nothing about immediately. Other than perhaps reframe things, and yes, put a positive slant on it.

And I’m not saying that I never go into victim mode or blame! Because I’m human. But I’m just saying, I know what I prefer, and I prefer not to do that.

So, this card is a reminder today, that either patience is needed in the waiting for something, or action is required, or enjoyment of this moment now – and I think this is probably the most important one – and appreciation of all that is here, now, might be a good idea, if we want to feel better than miserable, or bored, or frustrated.

All three ‘beings’ on this card are in the forest, amongst these beautiful trees, and all are bathed in sunlight. But only one of them is really appreciating and enjoying being there, the one spreading her wings, the one who seems to be basking in it. The one who is enjoying the present moment, and being where she is. And, probably seeing the beauty that surrounds her, and certainly feeling it.

But of course, as with all these cards, there can be many interpretations of the images, depending on what is going on in your life at this time. And perhaps this image speaks to you of something completely different? But I’m sharing what the card suggests to me, today. And probably, if I drew the card tomorrow, or next week, or next month, I might receive a completely different interpretation of it.

So, whether you resonate with my interpretation, or have a different one, I hope whatever meaning you assign to the card is helpful or insightful to you.

Lastly, I asked my soul if there was any other message for this card that I’d missed, and this is the answer I received, as I got quiet enough to hear:

So, dear soul, on the card Waiting for Love, any other messages? Anything I’ve missed? Thank you.


We say,

it is autumn.

And yet,

the leaves

are beautiful

in their colours.

And some

are still on the trees.

The woman,

who seems

to be waiting,

Waiting for Love,

is standing

within a rose,

a blooming rose.

And this

may well signify

that she

stands within


She is already

in love.

The love that she seeks

is here

and now.

If she would

cease to look

outside of herself for such

and feel

the love that she is,

and see

the beauty

of the sunlit forest

that surrounds her.

It is

a different season,

and each season has its beauty.

The summer

is past,

but it will return.

It is important

to see the beauty

that is here now,

and not wish for

another season

another time.

That time will come,

and that time

can be enjoyed.

So spread your wings and fly

dear one,

and enjoy

this moment now.

You do not have to wait for Cupid and his arrow.

You are love.

Love is your essence.

Love is who you are.

And with that,

we send you our love

as always.

(Thank you.)