Am I ready to commit to weekly oracle readings? (Yes!)

I did an audio reading for The Week Ahead. Then I started having second thoughts about posting it.

This first audio (below) is me wondering about committing to weekly readings – and asking the cards for clarity as to whether I should.

For the reading about The Week Ahead, and the 3 cards I drew for this week, click here.

This blog post is probably way too long. So feel free to scroll and skip as it suits you!



So, I’ve just . . . today, I did a reading for the upcoming week, the Energies of the Week. And now, I’m thinking:

Ooh . . . if I do that, I’ll have to do one every week. And I’m not sure that I’m ready to commit to that.

I thought I’d shuffle (the oracle card deck) and ask the question, ‘Am I ready? Is this a good time to do that?’

I’ve shuffled, and a card has fallen out. It’s the one where people are asleep and dreaming, and there’s a big giant, with a playful angel on his head. But his arms are tied behind his back – with garlands of flowers – but still, he is bound.


He doesn’t seem as though he’s in any pain, and the little cherub is certainly having fun(!) riding on top of his head, and holding, loosely, the garland of flowers.

But even so, it still speaks to me of the commitment and the feeling of duty, that once you start a weekly reading you have to do it, literally, every single week. And you have to do it on a certain day. And you really have to post it on Saturday, Sunday at the latest, given the time differences around the world. And . . . in Australia . . . they are many hours ahead (of the UK).

This card shows other people sleeping, dreaming. Some with smiles on their faces. There is a woman who is kind of ‘floating above,’ with her eyes open.

Then there’s a witch-figure. She’s with a woman who is holding her clothes to her. She’s taken off her dress, or is taking off her dress, and looking quite shamed, quite ashamed to be showing her nakedness.

So this is probably partly what it is . . . it’s (about) feeling I’m revealing aspects of myself and – as I was listening back to the recordings that I’ve made, on the readings of the cards, I was feeling:

‘Ooh, I don’t like that, I don’t like this, and I could have done that better, and there are lots of ums and ahs in there’.

All kinds of criticisms of the recording, and myself, and how I was doing the reading, and could I be more concise. And on and on and on.

So, what would the message of this card be telling me?

That I would feel bound? (That) I would feel . . . I would feel bound.

And, I need to be joyful in this.


So, let me choose another card and see what comes up, for clarification. Another card, for clarification.

I mean, it doesn’t mean I won’t do weekly readings. It just means, perhaps, not just yet.

If I start with the monthly readings, card readings, and then just do other readings as-and-when, and other different kinds of posts as-and-when.


Okay, so what’s this one?

Ah, this is a goddess one.

There’s a little boy. He seems to be hugging himself (comforting himself?) He’s got his head down. There’s what looks like a crown on his head, and a massive jewel at his crown chakra.

There are goddess images here. And there is a little girl, who is gazing at a stone, and almost as though she’s communicating with the stone, and getting messages from the stone – which is possible.

You can get messages from anything, and insights. And work with the imagery and metaphor, as you look at anything.

So, what can this so-called card of clarification(!) be telling me?


A crow caws in the background, as if to say, ‘It’s obvious’!

And as I listened to the audio later, it did seem so clear:

Being ‘bound,’ or committed, can be fun. And I am always free. The choice is always mine.

There’s a figure there, who . . . it’s like – she’s like a network. She’s made up of a network, or a weaving, an inter-weaving of . . . parts. Maybe . . . that reminds me of SoulCollage®, really.

Yeah. It’s not really meaning much to me.

So, let me do ‘I Am One . . .’ which is a SoulCollage® process.

So, start with this one (the giant).

“I am one who is bound with garlands of roses.

I am one who could break free of my bonds, as I am strong. And yet, I allow the playful cherub to have fun, to play . . . and she delights in the game, in the game of pretend.

For I am not truly bound. I can free myself, at any time.

I close my eyes and go within. I close my eyes and allow myself to dream. Allow myself to imagine.

And let’s do the woman, sort of floating above:

I am one, looking down from above, seeing those who are asleep, deep in sleep. And I can tell by the smile on the face of one, that her dream is enjoyable.

We are the birds that fly. We are the cooing pigeons, who soar, in the blue sky. Free. We are free.

And I am the shadowy-witch, revealing you in your nakedness.

Revealing you to all.

You cannot hide, for you are naked. You cannot hide. You are seen.

And we are the blooming flowers, in the cloudless sky. The flowers opening up to the sun, blooming in all our glory.

Yeah. Well, what’s this one?

I am the goddess, with my arms raised in gesture of love, forming a heart shape.

I am ancient.

I am old as the stone.

As old as the Earth.

And I am one who turns, I am one who spirals, who dances, who turns in time and space.

I am the Little One, who covers my heart and bows my head, so I cannot be seen, and cannot see.

And yet, I wear a crown, to show my sovereignty, and my strength and power.

I am the one who speaks to the stones, who gains the messages and hears the silent words. The silent messages.

I am the one who is woven intricately. And I am the one you can see through.


And that’s probably it.

So I’m going to listen back to that. Don’t know whether it will help me at all. But, it’s a thought. Okay.


It did help me. And I’ve also posted the reading with the three cards, for the Energies of the Week Ahead.

By the way, if you come across any of the video readings at a later day/date in time, just know, the reading may well be relevant to where you are right now – and that is possibly why you have found it, now.

So, I hope this reading for the week ahead is insightful for you, today, or another day!


As to when I might commit to a weekly reading, well, maybe as soon as next week! After all, if I adopt the cherub’s attitude to it all, it could be fun!

And, as the giant, bound with garlands of (blooming) roses, says:

I am not truly bound. I can free myself, at any time.

One thing I do know. When I commit to anything, I commit fully and joyfully. Enjoyment is vital, in everything I choose to create.