A SoulCollage®️ Reading

I’m doing something different this week. I’m using my SoulCollage® deck instead of the digital oracle cards.

If you want to skip straight to the reading, scroll down to the audio and image of card four. If not, read on!

I mentioned SoulCollage® in last week’s reading, saying that those cards are very different from the digital oracle cards, (although you can do readings with both).

One difference is that the SoulCollage® deck is created by you, for you, and is therefore (obviously) personal to you.

Some SoulCollage® cards are made intuitively (randomly placing images until they feel ‘right’).

Some SoulCollage®cards are made intentionally (with an idea in mind, of the card you intend to create).

The oracle cards I made digitally (on Freemix.com) were all made intuitively. Usually, I have no idea as to their meaning – until I look at them later and see what comes to my mind!

With my SoulCollage® deck, I know each SoulCollage® card intimately – because (to summarise very simply) each card represents an aspect of me. Your SoulCollage® deck and cards would feature the many and varied aspects of you.

Without getting into too much detail now (I’ll say more in later posts) about the various aspects and process of SoulCollage®, let’s go straight into the card readings.

The first reading was a personal one for myself. I’ll share the cards and a brief summary of the meaning of that reading.

The second reading was an extra SoulCollage® card I chose, intending it for you. If you’re reading this, that means you-you! I hope it resonates. There’s an accompanying audio for that card. (Scroll down to Card Four!)

In the first reading I chose three cards:

  • Aiming my Creations
  • The Confident One
  • Abundance through Work I Love


AIMING MY CREATIONS (SoulCollage® deck)

Aiming my Creations: The first card spoke, today, of sending my creations out into the world. The arrow represents dreams and desires and things I’m asking for, or wanting.

There is what looks like an embryo joined to the pregnant woman by an umbilical cord. The meaning here is that the woman is not quite ready to completely release her baby (creations/projects) to the outer world. Also, the ‘baby’ is not quite fully formed. More work needs to be done.


THE CONFIDENT ONE (SoulCollage® deck)

The Confident One: I made this card when I wasn’t feeling at all confident, but wanted to be. So this is telling me that I need to feel more confident in what I am doing and do my best to push aside any doubts, fears, or apprehension about sharing my cards – and the readings!

The third card is very positive. It’s what I want – to feel fulfilled in my work, earning a (really great!) living through doing what I love.



Abundance through Work I Love: The card is promising that ‘abundance through work I love’ is possible – especially as the woman lying on the earth is clearly joyful. The money is also a good clue! The woman is lying on her belly, connected to the Earth, as she works away on her computer. An angel is kissing the top of her head, signifying that she’s blessed and protected. The dancing seedlings represent new ideas and joyful, steady growth.


(audio below)

THE SILENT ONE (SoulCollage® deck)

The fourth card I chose for you (but also for me!) surprised me. It’s a card I made a long time ago and one that proved very healing.

Here is the audio for the card:


Soul Message

I asked my soul and soul family for a message about the card, The Silent One.

Below, is what emerged.

I was only going to include the transcript, but (at the last minute – and after I’d posted this) decided to include the audio too. Some will find it too slow (like pulling teeth), and will prefer to read the transcript. Your choice – as always!

“We say, you are no longer the small defenceless child. Unfairly treated, or misunderstood by others that you looked up to, and who were responsible for you, and even, of course, loved you and cared for you.

Many times you were chastised. Many times you were told that you were wrong. And this, is what this card speaks of now. That feeling of being wrong, of doing something displeasing, that would make others critical of you.

Whatever it was, and whoever told you you were wrong, did not know how this would affect you. Deeply. To your very core.

And this, is a wound that you carry, from all those times, in the past. When you were impressionable, when you were vulnerable, when you were dependent on adults.

However, you are now an adult. And you can be the loving adult to your own inner children. You can reassure them that they are loved and understood.

It is beneficial to acknowledge the hurt children, the little ones, who reside within you.

And you may do processes, such as you have done, in making this particular card. You were unaware that it would make you feel light, once you had made it. But the child, and the wound, was acknowledged.

There are many who cannot forgive their parents, their teachers, the adults who raised them and taught them.

But this does not serve you either.

Know, that within them are these hurt children of their past, who were equally misunderstood, and equally chastised.

And it is their memory of that, and also the wounds, their own wounds, and childhood memories, that caused them to lash out at others who also feel vulnerable, who are indeed vulnerable.

It is possible to break this pattern. Those who are parents have choices. And, if their childhood was one of misunderstanding and . . . abuse, of some kind, from adults, they can instead raise their own children in loving ways.

Knowing, the damage that was done to them, and setting intention to raise their own children, or children in their care, in new ways, in loving and gentle ways.

Know, that the adults who were unfair, and even, bullying, were simply carrying their own hurts from childhood. And, mainly unconsciously, projecting that hurt, repeating that hurt, and perhaps, trying to justify why that hurt was caused.

Largely, this was unconscious. They were unaware of the harm they were doing to the little ones in their charge.

But there is no blame upon their heads. For they too were wounded, hurt, misunderstood.

The process of SoulCollage is one way of acknowledging all these wounded parts within you, and giving them a voice. And you have learned, from personal experience, the value of creating such cards, and honourings.

And with that, we send you our love, as always.”

One important point I want to add to that, is that for every wounded inner child there is a playful, joyful, spontaneous child! It’s important to find, and love, and honour that happy child too.

Finally, whilst SoulCollage® is not therapy, I’ve found, over the years, that aspects of the card-making and card-reading process have been immensely therapeutic, healing, insightful, uplifting and freeing. And I’m certain that many others have too.

How the Soul Messages came about

It was the SoulCollage® process that gave me the practice to step into the cards and speak from the images. You focus on one aspect within the card – a person, animal or thing, and you become it and speak from it, or ‘as it’, using the phrase, “I am one who . . .”

Doing this is like role-play. Similar to how an actor or an opera singer would step into a part or a role, becoming the person they are portraying (and embodying the character and perhaps also the emotions of that person).

As I practised this SoulCollage® ‘role-play’ it became easier and more natural to me. I could ‘become’ (speak from the point of view of) not just people and animals, but of a tree, a mountain, the sky, a cloud, or a stone.

I think it was mainly due to using this practice within SoulCollage® that I one day decided to speak directly to my soul and also answer, from my soul’s perspective, without using a card image.

I call this, ‘soul communing.’

For the last four or five years, I’ve asked for my soul ‘s (and soul family’s) perspective on my cards, but also on other things that are bugging me.

The answers I receive are usually surprising to me. At times, my soul also has a sense of humour, which I’m thrilled about, as humour is important to me!

I wonder, if something was puzzling or troubling you, what do you think your soul might say to you about it? I’m pretty sure their words would be wise and loving.

So, if there is something troubling you, today, can you imagine, what that wise and loving part of you might tell you?

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