Emerge from the shadows, make new music, bloom brightly!

This week’s reading is about rising up from the shadows into the light, (perhaps, even, into the ‘spotlight’). Cast off past shackles of guilt and shame. You are worthy. Accept the golden blessings being offered to you – and bloom!



Card: UNDERWORLD Deck: A Bridge Between Two Worlds


Card: HAUNTED BY THE PAST Deck: A Bridge Between Two Worlds


Card: MIDAS TOUCH Deck: A Bridge Between Two Worlds

Further Thoughts on the Cards:

Card One:

It wasn’t intentional when I created the card, but it seems that the oracle card I named (intuitively) Underworld, could refer to the story of Persephone.

Persephone was taken to the underworld by Hades (God of the underworld). Her mother Demeter’s grief caused cessation of growth of plants/crops (winter/dying).

When Persephone returns to the world above, life and growth return (spring/rebirth).

The myth reflects life and death, dark and light, and might also be a metaphor for our light and dark shadow selves.

Most of us don’t want to acknowledge our dark shadow selves and try to keep them hidden.

Equally, we are often reluctant to acknowledge our light selves, (our blooming, our true essence) and may stay humble and hidden.

The right-hand side crystal looks like Smokey Quartz, so I did an online search as to its properties:

“A stone with a smoky hue that represents grounding, letting go, and surrendering old wounds.”

“Smokey quartz is associated with Hecate.”

* In Greek mythology, Hecate is the goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, and the moon.

* Hecate is goddess of wisdom, crossroads/transitions, and ghosts.

She is goddess of the occult and the dark moon.

She has power over the heavens, earth, and the underworld.

I noticed three points or corners of the woman’s veil.

Hecate is depicted as triple goddess: maiden, mother and crone (three phases of a woman’s life).

Or, as having three forms, back to back. This may represent her ability/power to ‘see’ all directions, doorways and crossroads.

Looking at Fool’s Gold, or Pyrite, it seems there’s not much it can’t do(!)

It’s said to be good for protection, confidence, grounding, and emotional healing as well as attracting abundance/prosperity.

Card Two:

In Card Two, when you listen to the audio, please note that I was not advocating murder!

I’m simply saying we are all capable of all things, both good and bad. Hopefully, most of us choose ‘harm to none’! Including, no harm to ourselves (which means not berating ourselves for past mistakes).

Also, in that card, Haunted by the Past, I was struggling to find the right words to describe Britain’s persona, all of those years ago, in the time of its ‘conquering all-and-sundry’ history. I was meaning the days of imperialism and the British Empire .

To end on a brighter note, this reading is about leaving the past and the ‘dark’ behind. Leaving behind shame and regrets relating to your past, and embracing who you are now.

I mentioned a woman playing a double-bass, but it could be a cello. Interestingly, both cello and double-bass can be used for (haunting or solemn) classical music, and also tango – take your pick!

Card Three:

The Midas Touch card is a great card to end with. It speaks of your new ideas and projects ‘turning to gold’ and your reaping rewards from all you turn your hand to (and turn your enthusiasm to, no doubt)!

The message is, don’t be shy, let your light shine. Bloom, in your true and beautiful essence.

You are capable of great things, we all are. However, in order to ‘get the gold,’ some courage is needed.

We have to do the thing, we have to try things out. And we can let it be heavy and hard, or we can let it be light – and fun.

(I know which one I prefer.)

So, blessings to you, this week and beyond, and to all your endeavours and adventures!

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