
AUDIO oracle card reading on MP3


A personal audio reading for you, on a topic, or question, of your choice. Recorded onto mp3 and sent to you within 7 days.

The three-card reading will begin with my interpretation of each card, followed by a channelled message, from my soul to yours.

I will be using my COO Card decks. COO stands for Calling On Oneness! All oracle cards were made using a digital collage app. and each card was created (and named) intuitively.

Generally, the reading lasts around 25-35 minutes. However, if further clarification is needed, I will draw another card and read that also.

If you wish to book a reading, simply complete the form below to start the ball rolling!

Once I have your name and email address, I will send you a very brief questionnaire, together with a PayPal invoice for £33.00.

As soon as payment is received, I will set to work on your reading and send it to you within seven days.

IMPORTANT! If you don’t hear from me within 48 hours, please check your email SPAM folder. Or, email me (Claire) at

Many thanks, and I’m very much looking forward to connecting with you personally and, most of all, helping you to find the clarity or insights you seek.

Please type your name in the box above
Please type your email in the box above
In this box, please type whatever you want to ask or share! Thanks.